Monday, February 16, 2009

Ross's Birthday, The Baby Shower, & 21 weeks

Ross' birthday was on Feb. 9th. We celebrated his birthday on the Friday before. We made plans to have a cake made where the inside was dyed either pink for a girl or blue for a boy. Then when we cut into the cake everyone would be able to find out what we were having. We were so excited to share this moment with so many people from our family. Steve and Julie hosted the party, my Dad and Ginger, Mama Jo and Papa Staff, Uncle David and Aunt Beverly, and Michelle and Cooper were all able to be there. Michelle and Cooper were even a little late to Jeremy's game cause they wanted to find out. We are so blessed to have so much family so close. It was a very suspenseful evening!!!

The cake.

He blew out all 26 candles!

IT'S A BOY!!!!
(I think Ross is a little proud!!)
Ross got a ceramic figurine of Goofy and Micky dressed up as cowboys that turns when wound up and plays "Mammas don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys". It was in his grandparents (in Mo.) old house and when they sold thier house we forgot to tell them not to sell it. We thought it would be lost forever but, Julie found one somewhere on the internet. He also got a cardinals pillow for the nursery from Aunt Beverly and Uncle David.
We have several girls in our class at church that are expecting babies. Amber Byrd is due in April and is having her 2nd baby. We had a baby shower at our house for her and the new baby girl. It was fun to do all the pink. Kristen Cumbie helped me make the diaper cake. I just put it together and Kristen made it look all pretty.

The cake and table from the shower.
Well we had a very eventful week. We were going in for our regular doctor's appointment and a tornado hit Edmond. It came very close to our house, so close that the street in front of our neighborhood has been closed all week. Ross went home and grabbed Maggie, our puppy, and headed to his parents house before it got really bad. I had just left school with Ginger and we stopped and took cover at Old Navy. That same night we got a call to come and pick-up Jackson's crib. So we went and picked it up. Ross and Chris put the crib together last night. It makes the nursery really look like a baby will be here soon.

Jackson's Crib
Well, we are now 21 weeks preganant and I am beginning to get a little belly. Jackson's heart rate is in the 150's and I have only gained 4 pounds. Everything looked great on the ultrasound. Jackson is in the 30th percentile in everything. I have been feeling him move since around new years, but Ross has got to feel him move the last couple of weeks. It has been really exciting and Jackson is a wiggler. I just loving being able to feel him move and it is amazing to imagine what God is creating inside of me. After waiting for this for a while Jackson truely is a miracle and gift from God.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Catch-up

Okay so it has been a while since we have written. Sorry for the wait. I am now 18 weeks and growing by the day. I have been to see the doctor a couple of times since the last time I wrote. The baby is growing and I have only gained 2 pounds at my last visit. We made it through the holidays and even got some stuff for the baby. We got our bath tub, car seat, stroller, a blanket my nana knitted, and some socks. Our favorite present was a camera that my parents got for us. It is really starting to become real now. We don't know for sure what we are having, but have decided on our names. If it is a boy it is Jackson Ross, and if it is a girl Leah Kathryn. We go back to the doctor next tuesday and will find out for sure what the baby is. Here is a picture of me this week. Ross's Birthday is on Febuary 9th so we might keep the gender a surprise until then.